Friday, October 21, 2011

24 much can happen

I haven't been doing too hot on my 100 Day Challenge but there have been some good things going on.

- Landed three new customers, including one that had been eluding our organization for years.

- Attended an introduction to the new 5 Choices by Franklin Covey. Fantastic program, planning on taking the two day course in February.

- Finished Strategic Management class and landed another A, who knows may end up on Dean's List again this semester.

- Only running a couple days a week. Need to make a decision on what my exercise plan will be and if I'll do one or both of the local Turkey Trots.

This weekend will be some yardword (soooo many leaves) and a re-set on blogging, exercise, etc.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm stuck

But I know it. Hopefully getting unstuck in next few days.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I was going to run on Saturday morning, but I didn't.

Maybe Saturday afternoon - didn't happen.

How about Sunday morning? Nope.

Sunday afternoon, beautiful day - perfect for a run. Nah.

Monday morning - alarm rings at 5:00. I don't want to. The best is warm and snuggly. Another half hour of sleep would be great.

I was soooo close to not going, but I went. For the first time in a long time I had no preplanned route, just a general idea of the length I wanted. It was mid 40's so I went for long pants and the cheap gardening gloves I bought for running. (Hey, at 96 cents you can't go wrong.) Started with a hill - I hate hills - and kept on plugging. I didn't even worry that much about what songs came up on the iPod, just let it play.

Plugged along, got a good sweat going, but those darn shins are still tender. By the time I finished I had done 2 1/2 miles.

I beat inertia this time, and I'm glad I did.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Back to the streets

Still not sure what I want to do for a fitness plan, so yesterday morning it was back to the streets for a run.

4:55 alarm, out the door shortly afterwards. This will sound strange, but it was a "shorter" run - about 2 1/4 miles. The shin splints that started to appear during my last week of hard training are still lurking so I need to be careful with what I do over the next week or so.

Several projects sitting right in front of me to wrap up in the next couple days. A paper for my strategic management class, hauling away a bunch of "yard debris" (sticks, pulled weeds, etc), completeing the action plan for my new sales territory, setting up the robotics team fundraising campaign, and finishing my taxes. Yes, I took an extension and still need to wrap them up. (Planning ahead for next year, I'm going to take a couple days off in March and complete the taxes and FAFSA on time!)

I also need to spend some more time with my goal book and really roll out a plan. The Ziglar/Godin plan covers 12 weeks, so if I start on Sunday documenting everything in the book (and some here) that will bring me right up to Christmas and only a week away from the end of the 100 Days Challenge.

The objective is to pick just four goals and do something everyday to make progress on those four. I'm pretty sure I know what I'll be choosing, but I don't want to jump ahead in the process.

Wow - I do have a lot going on, but I know that as I knock each item out I feel a sense of accomplishment; and thats always good.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The end, or the beginning ?

Saturday (Day 2) was the 5 mile run. I finished in a time that I was happy with. But I was disappointed in how much walking I did.

Still I need to focus on the postitive. That is always a challenge for me.

Now....whats next?

- Do more organized runs? Probably lean towrd the 5k's over the 5 milers.
I have thought about a crazy goal like 50 5k's before I turn 50. Is that just crazy talk?

- Switch to other types of exercise? Bob Harper videos or a Zumba class again....

- Go back to biking? I did a ton of that from 16-19. (That was a long time ago)

Right now I'm going to take a few days off. Have a mild case of shin splints. I felt them coming on during my big push two weeks ago. A little rest will do them good.

No matter what I have to do something. I'm still too heavy and don't feel good about myself.
Plus there is this pesky 100 day clock ticking.........

Friday, September 23, 2011

And we're back......

Since our last episode...

The interview - it turned into a job - and it's great. A whole new field for me, but I can draw on much of my past sales/business development experience. Been here a little over a year and it's going quite well.

But.......the new job has me on the road. Eating discipline went out the window, weight slowly crept back on. I gained almost 30 pounds, gettting me (almost) back to my highest weight ever. And my fat man pants! As a result of that, cholesterol went back up and now I am on medication.

Once I got sick and tired of looking and feeling this way, I started taking action and so far have dropped almost 10 pounds. One of the things I've done is gotten back to running. I'll never consider myself a runner, but tommorrow morning I'm signed up to participate in a 5 mile run. (I did one in training last week, but until tommorrow I won't consider it to be "real")

But why am I blogging again ?

I would say it is a combination of things.

- The 5 miler is really presenting itself as a breakthrough moment for me. I haven't said that out loud to many people, but in my head it is huge.

- I've been reading a variety of other blogs on struggles and accomplishments plus some on other fun topics.

- There are 100 days left in this year. I like the idea of 100 day challenges - like you'll see in previous posts.

- Seth Godin has updated a Zig Ziglar goal setting system. I love both of them and have started using the system. For some reason I can't post a link here, but go to Amazon and enter "Pick Four Godin" it will come up.

- Sometimes it just helps to put things in writing (typing) kind of a "brain download"

Not sure if anyone will read this. Not sure how often I will post. But I'm back and trying again.