Friday, October 21, 2011

24 much can happen

I haven't been doing too hot on my 100 Day Challenge but there have been some good things going on.

- Landed three new customers, including one that had been eluding our organization for years.

- Attended an introduction to the new 5 Choices by Franklin Covey. Fantastic program, planning on taking the two day course in February.

- Finished Strategic Management class and landed another A, who knows may end up on Dean's List again this semester.

- Only running a couple days a week. Need to make a decision on what my exercise plan will be and if I'll do one or both of the local Turkey Trots.

This weekend will be some yardword (soooo many leaves) and a re-set on blogging, exercise, etc.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm stuck

But I know it. Hopefully getting unstuck in next few days.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I was going to run on Saturday morning, but I didn't.

Maybe Saturday afternoon - didn't happen.

How about Sunday morning? Nope.

Sunday afternoon, beautiful day - perfect for a run. Nah.

Monday morning - alarm rings at 5:00. I don't want to. The best is warm and snuggly. Another half hour of sleep would be great.

I was soooo close to not going, but I went. For the first time in a long time I had no preplanned route, just a general idea of the length I wanted. It was mid 40's so I went for long pants and the cheap gardening gloves I bought for running. (Hey, at 96 cents you can't go wrong.) Started with a hill - I hate hills - and kept on plugging. I didn't even worry that much about what songs came up on the iPod, just let it play.

Plugged along, got a good sweat going, but those darn shins are still tender. By the time I finished I had done 2 1/2 miles.

I beat inertia this time, and I'm glad I did.