Friday, August 14, 2009

We Are Family.

My whole family is in town to celebrate my parents 50th anniversary this weekend. The actual anniversary was in April, but now is the time we could all get together.

It's nice when my brothers and their families are around. My younger brother Patrick and his family moved back from the west coast a couple of years ago, so now we do get to see them much more than we used to. I only wish I had taken the opportunity to visit him when they lived out there. I'm 43 and the farthest west I've ever been is Fargo ND. (and that was in the dead of winter)

Bob & Deb and the girls are also here from out east. Don't get to see them nearly often enough, so it's nice when they are here for a few days. It's crazy with lots of people around, but all the cousins seem to pick right up where they left off last time. According to Cami they are due to be back for Christmas 2010- we'll see if that happens.

Finished one class, scratched out a B by aceing the last assignment. Found out that the missing assignment from a couple weeks ago I had e-mailed to the wrong instructor. Took the Econ final tonight and think I did pretty good. As I write this, I have about 49 hours to finish my term paper. Maybe I should be writing that instead.

Still plodding along on the Couch to 5k program, almost finished with the third week. After the weekend fun, I'm going back on the weight loss plan I did a couple years ago. My brother in law has dropped over 30 pounds on Weight Watchers and I'm really proud of him - I need to catch up.

City wide rummage sales in a few weeks. Need to get ready for that.

Next week is Houston County Fair and I'm in charge of a booth. I'll be scrambling until the last minute getting it organized, but hope it goes smoothly.