Friday, May 29, 2009

Getting moving....

Got home last night....kind of stressed.... still haven't figured out the problem with the new glasses.....forgot something I was supposed to get at the store....was tempted to crash on the
couch and eat.

But I stopped.

Threw on a t-shirt and shorts and took the dog for a walk. I didn't want to go for a long time, so I added a hill (plenty of those nearby) It wasn't a long walk, but the dog enjoyed it and I actually
broke a little bit of a sweat.

The plan for June - walk, walk, walk.......than walk some more. With the dog, with my wife, with my wife and the dog - I will even do it on vacation. Maybe it's time for another pedometer.

Class reunion at end of June, would love to drop at least another 6-8 pounds by then. Then July 5th - Couch to 5K training begins !!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Why is it so hard to start something, let alone finish it ?

I'm doing a little better diet-wise, but there are four unfinished books next to my bed - and I started a fifth. Exercise - nothing, but I know I should. One of these days.

Did some cleaning / purging of stuff in the basement, but there is a long way to go. The plan is to turn some of that into cash - Maybe some on ebay, some craigslist, some giveaway to friends or charity.

The big thing that I've committed to is running (or jogging, or walking quickly) a 5K in September. Several months ago I read about a "Couch to 5K" program on someones blog and have looked at the info a few times. Well now I'm committed. The plan is to have my boys do it with me - they could handle getting some exercise into their routine too. We start the week of July 5th - stayed tuned for stories of blisters and pain.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Friends - Not the TV Show

What is the definition of a friend ?

There is someone I've known for over 25 years - we got to know each in the radio biz, both did other things then ended up as friendly rivals in the car biz. He called to other day to check up on someone who applied at his dealership, we chatted about this and that, I also gave him a lead on someone looking for a new position.

I think we are friends. We don't socialize, we don't run in the same circles, but I always know he is only a phone call away. Maybe as part of my resetting I'll call him to do something - golf, fishing, who knows.

Friends come in all shapes and sizes, as I've said before I really don't have any close friends besides my wife. I know that I'm not alone, but how does one change that ? I'll try to find out.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Had new student orientation yesterday. Information overload.

Got a student ID - the photo confirms I need to lose weight. I've never liked having my
picture taken and we have family photos in a few weeks.

I was thinking (about that day in the far future) that when I graduate, I might be able to trade the student ID for an AARP card. I do like discounts.

Found out a big portion of my classes will only be offered online. That scares me. I really think that I need the classroom setting.

My classes don't start until late June. Thank god the week at the lake is before that.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekends are made for......

surely not Michelob. (Probably dating myself with that reference)

Weekends are lately lots of running around, with little sense of accomplishment.

Friday night - wife working out of town, took the boys to Culvers (thank god the 13 yr old likes the kids meal) then to Target to raid the clearance gum section. Might have to head back there and get some more. Home in time to watch "Flashpoint" on CBS., it was about bullies and we've had some challenges there - so I made it a semi-teachable moment.

Saturday - Soccer game then two and a half hours of driving for a meeting that lasted less than 90 mins. The meeting was okay, but I'm regretting spending the time and gas to go there. Wife finished working out of town - she got home exhausted at 8:00.

Sunday - Church / 1st Communion service - then out of town for soccer game. Get home, got the lawn mower running and mowed some of the lawn. More wrestling with the broken garage door - I have to find someone that can fix it. Then I grilled burgers and made corn on the cob.
The daughter was going to come, but she can't find her new phone / Blackberry and was stressing to the point of almost crying.

Concluded the weekend by falling asleep on the couch - I'm doing that a lot lately.

What did I accomplish ?? Not much, still need to complete Financial Aid application. Yard needs plenty of TLC, and got zero items listed on ebay. Plus I ate horrible all weekend and probably put a couple pounds back on.

Oh well, tommorrow (which is now today) is another day.

As Dori says in Finding Nemo "Just keep swimming !!"