Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 10.....not quite 10% done

I'm doing pretty good on the Challenge. Some nights I'm on the treadmill at 9 pm, but I'm getting my time in. Took the new running shoes out for a test drive Monday evening - they feel different, but very comfortable.

Back to Zumba tonight - had to find a different class since Viterbo is on Easter break - but it's the instructor that I'm comfortable with, so thats a good thing.

I'll launch back into the Couch to 5k in the next several days. Trying to figure out a schedule to balance running, Zumba, lifting, and everything else in life. Read something yesterday about running on empty stomach helping with buring fat - is there a 5 am wake-up looming in my future ?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Busting through barriers....

It was a little barrier, but this morning I broke through a one on the scale.

I could not get below 247. Some days I'd go up a pound, then drop back down. It was getting really frustrating. I'm actually behind where I should be on the fancy chart I made for myself - thats depressing in itself.

This morning's weigh in - 246.5 Woohoo !!!

We're supposed to celebrate the little things right ?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My 100 (plus 4) Day Challenge !!!

I see things online for 100 Day Challenges, 99 Day Challenges and more, I decided to mold one to fit me. The 100 (plus 4) Day Challenge started yesterday. Why March 22nd ? because that is when the Gundersen Lutheran Minutes In Motion program started and this year I doing it.

Last year I signed up, but really never got going. I found an excuse the first few days, then another, then figured "why bother." However, since I signed up I kept getting e-mails about the program - that was some awesome guilt. Part of that guilt is probably why I tried the Couch to 5K program last summer only to be derailed by shin splints.

Why 100 (plus 4) Days ? Because that leads up to the Chileda Classic 5k run on July 3rd in La Crosse. I'm doing the run. And I will finish it. I don't care if it's raining, I don't care if I have to crawl across the finish line - I'm doing it.

Yesterday was day 1, and I have a bad chest cold. Don't remember having a chest cold like this for a long time, where sometimes it even hurts to breathe. So last night, I went downstairs and hit the treadmill - mostly fast walking, but I did include several 60-90 seconds of running. That should get me loosened up for revisiting the Couch to 5k program in a couple weeks.

Minutes in Motion calls for 30 minutes of activity a day. I want to hit it every day, and not count hour long Zumba classes for two days. At the middle and end of the six week program I'm supposed to submit my minutes for a chance to win prizes. Prizes are nice, but I'm doing this for me - and my wife and kids.

Biking will be included, golf (as long as I walk), Zumba, weight-lifting, and as mentioned before - running.

I've been working hard on eating better for several weeks and it's made a difference, now adding in lots of exercise should really kick things into gear.

I'm going to try to set my follow up Dr appointment at the mid-point of my program. I really don't want to go on medication for cholesterol

This won't always be fun. It won't be easy. But I need to do this. For me.

Not going to post every day, sometimes slapping something on Twitter or Facebook is easier than coming here, but I'll keep you posted. (whoever you are)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It hates me.....the scale that is

I've made progress up to a 12 pound loss - now I'm stuck. Somedays I'll go up a little, then slide back to the 12 pound mark, but I can't seem to break through. It's getting frustrating.

I'm not perfect on my eating plan (trying hard not to call it a diet) but I try VERY hard. The next thing will be to up the workout side. There is a local program called "Minutes In Motion" that begins next week - it asks participants for 30 mins of activity a day. I think it will be challenging, but I'm on a mission.

The mission(s): run a 5k, wear the nicer clothes sitting in a box in the basement, and get my cholesterol under control.

I will be launching my own "100 Day (plus 4) Challenge" next Monday as well to match up with the "Minutes in Motion" program. Stay tuned for details.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Break

Made through the first half of the semester - finished one class, and wrapped up an incomplete from fall semester. Coming up soon: Business Law, and a First Aid class. Should be an interesting combo.

For many college students spring break is a time to relax, maybe travel somewhere warm, but not for me. Two projects for this week - get taxes and FAFSA done (plus some praying to the Pell Grant gods) and get organized for the indoor rummage sale on Saturday.

Borrowing all the money for school is hard on me mentally, it's such a long road to graduation and I'm really worried about how much debt will be piled up. Maybe I can find a position where they help with tuition and encourage continuing education.

I'm by no means a rummage sale expert, I want to price stuff low enough to sell, but high enough that I can actually make some money for my effort. Everytime I turn around lately I see something in the house and wonder -"would somebody buy that"

Weight-wise things are moving, slowly, but I think I'm still on track. Since there is no school this week, that means no zumba, so I'm going to try to get some weight training mixed back into my routine. Gunderson has a "Minutes in Motion" promotion starting soon which I plan on using as an additional accountability program. Maybe it's time to see what kind of workout the WiiFit can really provide.