Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I (think) I feel like a winner

Tuesday was my Doctor appointment to find out test results. I was nervous. I kept thinking that maybe I haven't worked hard enough, or been eating enough of the right things....maybe I'll still have to go on medication.

Thankfully - I was wrong !!!

The bad cholesterol has dropped (just barely) into the desirable range. He was happy with the weight loss so far. The good cholesterol is rising. He said that it can take six months of exercise to really move the number.

Part of me thought that the 5k on July 3rd was going to be the end of the running - now I'm looking onto bigger and better things. I can't beleive I'm thinking it - but there is a 5 miler in September that might be in my future.

I need to get back into a steady routine for lifting. Plus I need to get started on another class - Zumba, yoga, pilates, something that I can schedule each week.

In three weeks we go on vacation, a very tempting time to fall off the wagon. I can't let it happen. I want to lose another 20 pounds, so I'm working on altering some of the traditional vacation menus. The kids will eat turkey burgers. As long as I promise them Smore's later that night.

Plus vacation is the time when I read some good fiction. Got some Grisham, Baldacci, and hope to pick up one or two more beforehand.

More to share soon. Want to get this one posted.

Remember, we don't celebrate Memorial Day - we observe it. Thank you Veterans.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Finals and Tests....

Been a couple weeks since I've posted - sorry. Spring semester is finished and I'm happy to report a 4.0 GPA for the semester. That might be a first for me.

Even though classes are done, today I took a test that has huge implications. I had blood drawn to check my cholesterol. Not sure which was harder, the 12 hours fasting before the bloodwork, or waiting until next Tuesday to see the Doc and get my results. I REALLY hope the numbers have improved. I'm eating much better - should still add in some more fish - and I've been exercising plenty.

I made my appointment for next Tuesday (day 65) for a somewhat corny reason. That night is the season finale of Biggest Loser. I've been watching the show for awhile (I must confess, sometimes while eating ice cream) and since I actually did something about it myself, I thought that Tuesday made some sort of logical date for a check-up. Next Tuesday is one of those little "finish lines" to me.

The "100 (plus 4) Day Challenge" is continuing. I'm really focused on the Couch to 5k, and trying hard to get back to lifting at least two times a week. Last Friday I ran for 20 minutes - all in a row, without stopping. That was huge. I don't think I've ever done that before in my life. This Friday I go for 25 minutes. My pace is still slow, but I know that I'll have a couple weeks from completing the C25k program to my "actual" 5k on July 3rd (Day 104) to go for distance over time.

The spirituality quest is continuing. Reading the "Purpose Driven Life" is still going, although now I found out it is contrary to some Catholic teaching. "The Me I Want To Be" audio book by John Ortberg is nice mix of humor and religion. I've even started some praying again. But I still haven't been to confession. There is more out there - I'm just not sure what "it" is.

Next post will be on Tuesday (or early Wednesday) hope I have some good stuff to report.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Approaching halfway

Today is day 45 of my "100 (plus 4) Day Challenge" in one week I'll be at the halfway mark and some things are changing.

The Minutes in Motion program is done, but I'm going to stick with it - at least 30 mins of activity a day. Sometimes it means more one day and less the next, but the 210 minutes a week will remain my objective. Maybe I'll even get lucky and win something next week at the wrap up event.

Last night was the end of Zumba at Viterbo. Even though I've been going since January, I still feel un-coordinated at times. Not sure what the college girls thought about the old fat guy in the room, but I gave it a whirl. Not sure if I want to keep Zumbaing (I doubt that is a word) but I need to find some sort of class. The advantage at Viterbo was that I didn't have to pay for it since I'm a student. I'm thinking of trying Yoga. It is supposed to be quite a workout, and I know my flexability could be improved. I might ask my wife and see if it is something we can do together. Our schedules are crazy, but maybe we can carve out an hour to do it together.

On Week 4 of the Couch to 5k program and I'm trotting along. I made the mistake of looking ahead to next week and the 20 minute run has me a little freaked out. Found out a couple of my cousins (that are in shape) want to join me for the Chileda run on July 3rd. I warned them, I'll be the slow one in the back, so go ahead without me.

Losing some of the structure in my exercise program will present a challenge, but I know I'll stick with it and try some different things. This might be a sign that it's time to get the bike out and start riding again.

One class is done, the other one finishes on Tuesday. It will be nice to have the summer free of school, even though I'm going to work on my portfolio. There is so much work in the house and yard that needs to be done. Getting some of that taken care of will be a huge accomplishment and clear out a lot of "mind clutter."

Spirituality has been on my mind lately, maybe reading the Purpose Driven Life is taking hold. I want to find more in my life, just not sure how to get there. I picked up the audio book "The Me I Want To Be" I loved the title and the book is refreshingly good. A couple minor "a-ha's" so far, maybe there will be a major one farther in. I have some more windshield time coming it, it's nice to have something new to listen to.